It's taken me a little while to venture out with what I watch on Netflix, mainly because whenever I'd open the app I'd look around for about four seconds before sticking Friends on for the billionth time! Tell me I'm not the only one who does this? Over the past month or so hubby and I started watching some newbies and we've actually really been enjoying them! I was supposed to get this post up a couple weeks ago but nonetheless here's my monthly Netflix roundup for March! Insert cliche #netflixandchill... 

The Sinner | I can't believe how long it took us to start watching this. We finally started it last month and we were instantly hooked. It's a thriller/horror and it kicked in pretty much straight away which we were definitely not expecting. It's about a detective and a woman who murders someone whilst out with her family but there's so much more to the story and it's really interesting seeing it all unravel! We're halfway through season 2 which is a whole new case and so far it's a bit weird but still really good! 

Dirty John | I had hardly any idea what this was about apart from the fact it's based off a true story but I've been binge watching the hell out of it! It's about a man who marries a woman but he isn't who she thinks he is - I don't want to give too much detail! I love the characters (although the daughters are extremely annoying), I think Eric Bana has done a great job of making you hate the guy!  There are only eight episodes but they're about 40 minutes long so it takes a few days to get through them. I can't wait to see how it ends!

Abducted In Plain Sight | You can probably see a theme developing here. Normally hubby and I stick to comedies and horrors but it's been really nice trying some different genres. I was on Twitter one night and everyone was talking about this so like Bird Box I knew I needed to see what the fuss was about. What I didn't know was the story would have me cursing at the TV all night! It's a documentary about a girl who was kidnapped by a family friend and I don't want to say too much but it's definitely worth trying although be warned, it's quite graphic and will leave you shocked for words!

1922 | I tend to enjoy most Stephen King novels so when I saw this one had been turned into A Netflix Film I had to watch it! Straight away I knew I was going to like it and it actually turned out to be one of the best things I've seen in ages! It features a family living on a farm in Nebraska and all seems well until the wife decides she wants to leave for the city. The story really sucks you in from the beginning and I think Thomas Jane (aka Peter from The Sweetest Thing)  did such a good job - P.S. he's still a total fitty!

Await Further Instructions | The final recommendation I have for you is this horror/sci-fi mix up which although ended up being a little disappointing, still had a very interesting story that I haven't really seen before. Towards the end, I was starting to get a little impatient but there were definitely some good twists that made it worth the watch! 

Have you watched any of these recently?
