So last week Maiyabellexo turned four (where has the time gone?!) and to mark the occasion I thought I would do a quick post talking about what I've learnt during that time and also share a few things that I wish I'd have known when I first started all the way back in 2015! 
I still can't believe that I've been doing this bloggy thing for a whole four years, it's taken a while for it to fully sink in! That being said, blogging is without a doubt the best thing I've done in my life and I'm really proud of my journey and what I've achieved along the way. It hasn't been easy though and as soon as you add things like Instagram into the mix it all goes a bit tits up but I've loved every second of blogging and I've learnt some really important things along the way that are key to being 'successful' in the industry.  

It Doesn't Happen Overnight | It took me quite a while to find my feet and figure out what made me and my blog stand out amongst the thousands of others that are out there but once I did I used that to my advantage and was able to create content that caught people's attention. For a long time I wondered if my blog would ever really pick up and although I'm still a very small fish in a mahoosive pond, I've definitely grown and have established myself as a pretty decent blogger. When I started I had no real examples to learn from so it's taken lots of research and trial and error to make my little corner of the internet something that I'm proud of and both my readers and brands enjoy. The hard work was definitely worth it!

Do It For The Right Reasons | Blogging/influencing/YouTube and all of these things have become the career goal for so many people over the past few years. Young, old, girls, guys, you name it - they all want a piece of the action. Personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with that but there are a few bad apples who do it for all the wrong reasons and eventually it's just going to come back and bite them in the arse. Readers and brands aren't naive and they can spot someone who's just looking for a quick path to 'fame' a mile away. They're also very quick to spot people that have bought all of their followers or is just in it to make a quick buck so if you're only doing it for the dosh and freebies, you may as well stick to your day job because nowadays it's a lot harder to fool people and above all your followers and brands want authenticity and honesty. 

Connect Connect Connect | I started my blog well before I joined social media and I kept wondering why I was wasn't getting many views. Until I joined Instagram and actually started promoting my posts on there, there was no way for anyone to find my blog. Four years on I've learnt just how important it is to engage with your readers and fellow bloggers! It's not just important for growing your success but it's such a lovely feeling when you meet a new friend through blogging. Sometimes you end up feeling more comfortable chatting to them about things instead of the people you know in 'real' life. It's also important to be as consistent and to really put yourself out there. We all know that the bloggersphere is heavily saturated so the only way people are going to find you is by posting frequently, sharing your posts across multiple platforms, commenting on other accounts and not being scared to be noticed! 

Thank you so much to everyone who's stuck around all this time! It means the world! 
