Most of you will know that I'm a big advocate of planning and completing tasks but setting yearly goals for myself isn't something I've ever really done. I had quite a busy year last year and it's only when I think back that I realise actually how much my blog has advanced and how many amazing opportunities came my way. I'm so excited to see what 2018 has in store for me and today I thought I would share with you some of the goals I'm hoping to reach over the coming months. 
Add More Personal & Lifestyle Content To My Blog | I really enjoy reading lifestyle and fashion posts and I'm hoping to start uploading non-beauty related content at least twice a month. If you have anything, in particular, you would like to see please let me know!

Reach 5k On Instagram & 1k On Twitter | These aren't incredibly important but it would be really nice to grow my following and meet some more lovely people through social media. 

Take Better Blog Photos | I love looking at beautiful photos on other people's blogs and it's really made me want to up my game and find a photography style that I'm happy with. 

Travel To A New Country | Hubby and I absolutely love travelling and this year we're hoping to take a trip to somewhere new. Our top picks at the moment are Italy, Paris and Scotland. 

Pass My Driving Test | This is probably going to be the first goal I tick off my list as I've been learning for a little while. I passed my theory test a couple months ago (yay!), so it shouldn't be long now! I'm so excited! 

What are your goals for 2018?
