So Autumn is officially here and surprisingly, I couldn't be happier! This year I'm ready to embrace everything the season has to offer and I'm going to make a real effort to enjoy it while it lasts. A lot of things have been happening in my life recently and it's made me realise just how quick the year has gone! I've seen quite a few people do these kinds of posts where they set monthly/seasonal goals for themselves and I really wanted to do my own version for Autumn. Hopefully, I can stick to them!
1) Bake More
It's been a while since I last baked something and I really want to get back into it again. I just think there's something really cosy about baking in Autumn. Anything with a warm or spicy scent is especially appropriate. Gingerbread man anyone? 

2) Embrace The Bold Lip
I never wear a bright lip but I'm determined to start adding more colour into my makeup routine. I'm going to start off with a red lip here and there and then hopefully move on to a nice, deep berry shade. I've even started wearing red on my nails and I have to say, I'm feeling it! 

3) Take Better Care Of My Skin
You all know I'm adamant about looking after my skin but when it comes to my body, it's a different story. It's partially down to laziness and also to do with the fact that a lot of products irritate and aggravate my eczema. Last week I purchased the Hand Chemistry Pro Repair Skincare for Hands and I'm so glad I did because it's working wonders! My hands feel really soft and smooth and they look so much healthier! 

4) Experiment More With Fashion
I'm definitely not someone who's really into fashion and although I like to dress nice and am extremely fussy about what I wear, I'm not very good at putting new outfits together. This year I've decided to make more of an effort to embrace a more Autumnal look and I can't wait to start wearing jumpers and ankle boots again!

5) Improve My Blog Content
This might sound pretty basic and obvious but it's probably the most important goal on my list. I'm so proud of how far my blog has come but it's still far from perfect and I really want to make content that you guys enjoy and hopefully keeps you coming back for more.

So there you have my Autumn Goals. What are yours?
