Firstly, congratulations to those of you who are getting married.
This post is going to be a bit different, it's beauty related, but we're talking bridal beauty. As soon as we started planning our wedding everything has been crazy, there's been plenty of sleepless nights and even anxiety. Finding dress designers, cake makers, florists, the list is endless but now I'm concentrating on my own personal organising  i.e. beauty prep. 
So I thought it would be helpful for me to share my wedding journey with you and hopefully help and inspire other brides to be. Also, this is not a have to /must but I know there a lot of brides that this may benefit. Plus the info is from a real person going through it, not just from a website.

My wedding is 7 months away...SCARY. 
I think around now is the best time to start prepping yourself for the big day( enough time to see results/benefits). Of course some people maybe aren't bothered too much, but I think every woman has some desire to do what she can to maximise her beauty on her big day. These tips are purely off my knowledge, always seek professional advice if you are unsure/concerned. 

Tip Number 1 - Get Hydrated

Start drinking water! A lot of water! I drink at least 2L daily, and this is the quickest and easiest way to start helping your body inside and out. This will flush out toxins, keep your system working properly, and greatly improve your skin. It will keep you clear and hydrated which will show especially on your wedding day. If you want to maximise the wedding 'glow' this will jump start that. 

Tip Number 2 - Sort Your Skin Out

It doesn't matter if you're a beauty junkie or not, this is crucial. You need to get a hold on your skin and give it the proper attention and care. Skin care routines are very personal, products work so differently on everyone but get a solid routine going. Whatever your skin type, budget or concerns, start these steps :

Double Cleansing
Acid Toning
Spray Toning
Good Serums
Intense Moisturising

Tip Number 3 - Diet and Fitness

Every one needs a good diet to look and feel their best. Get as many fruits and veg in you as you can. Especially colourful foods like carrots, dark greens, watermelon, blueberries, etc. Also eat good fats like avocados,nuts,fish. Cut back/ out on sugar, salt and bad fats wherever possible. I don't crave either and it's such a easy thing to give up once you start. Cutting out sugar will decrease inflammation and cutting out salt will decrease puffiness. By bad fats I mean, fried foods, processed meat, things like that. 
When it comes to exercising, don't go crazy just for your wedding. You might want to shed a lot of pounds, but your partner obviously loves you no matter what your size/shape. Exercise sensibly, don't aim to lose an excessive amount of weight in just 6-7 months. Just so steady, even losing up to 10lbs is a great loss, and will show. The exercising will also help get the blood flowing, flush out toxins, get fresh oxygenated blood around the body, especially great for the skin. 

A few extra things to start addressing. 

Get your hair healthy. Limit using heat as much as possible, get trims to keep hair looking and feeling good. Start using hair masks, either from Boots or just use plain old 100% coconut oil. 

Similar to hair, trim them regularly, use cuticle oils and good hand creams. 

It's simple, exfoliate and moisturise. Keep your body bright and smooth, especially areas that will be revealed in your dress. (arms, legs, decollate and back. 

Sorry this was a long one, I feel like I can talk about bridal beauty/prep forever.  This time will only come once and I want to make the most out of it. After all it's our time to shine!
Thank you for reading, if you enjoyed this, maybe I'll start doing posts about other wedding aspects like planning, finding suppliers and even the emotional side people don't talk about. 
